Wittwer, B., Abraham, H., Tovit, S., Murphy, L., Elgar, M., Pierce, N., and Kocher, S. (2017) “Solitary bees reduce investment in communication compared with their social relatives.” PNAS 114 (25):6569-6574
Findings are journal articles or conference presentations (or just news pieces where I am featured)
"Jenkins’ credits her friend Li Murphy (who works at the Lower East Side Girls’ Club Planetarium and gave an amusing tour of our own universe to kick off the event." Nautilus Magazine, August 2024
"A ‘Magic’ BioBus is teaching kids about the environment at Astoria Houses" Queens Eagle, June 2019​
"Study reveals underlying genetic basis for halictid bee communication and social behavior."Phys.Org September 2017
"Beekeeping Expert, Li, holds up a beehive after explaining how male bees reach their death by having sex with the queen bee." CityLife ChiangMai Magazine, April 2016
“Harvard has this huge commitment to organic landscaping, and we want to define its impact.'”The Harvard Crimson, November 2013
"That was the experience Murphy had hoped to create when she co-founded Harvard Undergraduate Beekeepers...[she] wanted to educate students about the critical role bees play in biodiversity." Harvard Gazette, September 2013​